The "Magic Quadrant" is undeniably a powerful tool for visualizing vendor landscapes.
However, the 'Magic Quadrant' often overlooks deeper insights within its 2D framework.
Here's why Gartner should consider adopting the "Magic Profile" as a complementary tool:
Magic Profile: Reasons for Gartner to Consider Its Use
Magic Profile: Reasons for Gartner to Consider Its Use
Magic-Profile is part of 'Project NEMO' (New/Next Economic Model) and 'Business Engineering Systems' (tools for smarter economy) - registered Copyright TXu 512 154 - commercial use needs adequate license - trials and private use is free (no derivatives) - additional patents are in preparation.
Want to know more? -> e-mail:
The Goal of 'Project NEMO' (New/Next Economic Model) is to enhance classic economics by
(i) including intangible assets and needs as the common (re)source of welfare and wealth and
(ii) disclosing a vector based hybrid value principle enabling monetary AND nonmonetary dimensions as a compound/hybrid measure.